Midnight Oil World Tour – “The Great Circle Tour 2017”

Midnight Oil World Tour

I’ve been an Oils fan since the 80s after being introduced to the band by my friend Richard. During a concert at Memorial Drive in Adelaide, we lined up early and ran to get a spot at the front and centre of the stage, as this was in the days of being able to walk. During one song, Peter Garrett, jumped off stage and stuck the microphone in Richard’s face. While they were singing together, I did what I thought was the obvious thing to do, and I rubbed Peter’s head. It was hot and sweaty, and I didn’t wash the hand for days, and I love telling people about it. After hearing about the Midnight Oil World Tour, I wanted to attend ten concerts around Australia and settled for four. Brisbane, Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney.

See my post here that shares how the visits were possible although I have a disability and use a wheelchair.  This blog shares images and videos of the concerts. Thank you to Eric, Madie, Ben and Jasmine for attending the concerts with me.

Midnight Oil World Tour – Brisbane

Eric posing on the bed
Eric posing on the bed (yes we had one each)
john and eric in the rain
Eric and I having fun in the torrential rain
john in the rain
More rain 🙁
the oils crowd getting wet
The wet concert goers before the oils arrive
midnight oil commence their concert
The oils are on!

Midnight Oil World Tour – Adelaide

John and Madie before the concert on the wheelchair platform
Ben and John having issues waiting for Oils to commence
Come view the disabled people
Finally the concert commences

Midnight Oil World Tour – Melbourne

Due to chronic pain, I missed the Melbourne concert, and the following day we attended the Melbourne Cup.

Flemington Racecourse
I had trouble getting to the Member’s grandstand
John and Madie

Midnight Oil World Tour – Sydney

Jasmine and John before the concert
The Oils start


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