
Accessibility issues and advocacy

John received his first wheelchair in rehabilitation and immediately encountered problems accessing locations or services. He started advocating for better access. Initially, the advocacy was solely for himself until John realised that many PWD (People with Disabilities) were silent, didn’t know what to do, or couldn’t advocate for themselves. He contacted organisations, sharing the experience of being unable to access the service or goods in a wheelchair, hoping for change.

Advocacy is an individual or group activity that aims to influence decisions within political, economic, and social institutions.

More about Advocacy

Accessibility issues included the online booking of tickets via Ticketek, booking accessible taxi cabs, and accessing his local post office andĀ church. Advocacy isn’t always about a lack of physical access, and John advocates for sponsoringĀ children in developing countries.

Most organisations listened to John, but a few either didn’t care or didn’t understand access to goods and services is a human right, and the rights of people with disabilities are protected by the Disability Discrimination Act 1995. John reported a few organisations to the Australian Human Rights Commission, which mediated a discussion between the two parties.

Dignity Party

John’s advocacy led him to meet a few parents of PWD who formed the Dignity Party, a political movement wanting better goods and services for their children. John contested the seat of Torrens in the 2018 South Australian election to assist in the re-election of Kelly Vincent in the legislative council. Unfortunately, Kelly wasn’t returned to the upper house, but John did manage to gain over 5% of the primary vote in Torrens.

Contact John here to share your thoughts.
